Treasure Hunting ‘Scavengers’ Reunite Woman With Engagement Ring She Lost In Ocean At Rockaway Beach

Pure joy was caught on camera as the “Scavengers” reunited Gina Bopp with her engagement ring. Bopp was enjoying time at Rockaway Beach with friends Monday. “Her son got caught in a wave, so I went to go grab him, and I felt my ring sliding off my finger,” she told CBS2’s Vanessa Murdock. She searched the surf and shore for eight hours with no luck. “I went on Amazon and bought a fake one because I thought there’s no way I’m going to get another one,” Bopp said. She reached to Merrill Kazanjian, of Metal Detecting NYC. He helped her search Tuesday morning. “It was an opporutnity to reconnect somebody with a moment in their lives,” he said.