Why Silver Will Outperform Gold Before the Precious Metals Rally Stops

Gold hit new all-time highs Monday. Silver, meanwhile, is only around $24. The grey metal will outperform gold from here. Gold hit a new all-time high in dollar terms Monday, and silver rose to a seven-year high of $24. Most analysts see the metal moving far higher. With silver at $24 per ounce, the metal has been a clear laggard.

    IFD divers help recover prosthetic leg worth thousands

    On Saturday, Indianapolis Fire Department Tactical Team 7 found themselves diving into the murky depths of Geist Reservoir in search of lost treasure. Only it wasn’t gold doubloons or a lost pirate’s chest they sought. It was a titanium/carbon fiber prosthetic leg, said to be worth $20,000. According to IFD, Tactical Team 7 had just finished a two hour training exercise in Geist Reservoir and were loading their boats unto trailers when officers with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources approached and asked the divers for assistance in recovering the leg.

      Author’s memoir leads to jewels in Stage Fort Park

      In the dead of winter, hands “frozen as popsicles,”  they combed the woods of Stage Fort Park. They were on a hunt, a treasure hunt, and if they were right, the treasure — a jewel-encrusted bracelet worth $2,200 — was hidden somewhere very near. The couple had come a long way to this ancient rock, all the way from Vermont, driven by cryptically poetic riddles and clues that led them first to Gloucester, then —led further by clues like “Ravenswood” and “Half-moon” — to the shores of historic Stage Fort Park, and to steep paths surrounding the great Tablet Rock, in search of a “many trunked maple” in the midst of a thick “oak grove.”

        A Rare 1714 Mexican Gold Coin Could Fetch US$400,000 at Auction

        A very rare 1714 Mexican gold coin, known as the Presentation 8 Escudos, could sell for between US$200,000 and US$400,000 at a live auction on Aug. 6 in Las Vegas. The coin was believed to be minted for Spanish dignitaries, most likely for the king, as a symbol of Spain’s success in expanding into the New World, according to Stack’s Bowers Galleries, a leading numismatic auction house that is handling the sale. This coin and others like it were aboard a fleet of galleons headed from the New World to Spain in 1715. The ships all sunk in a hurricane when they neared what is today known as the Florida Keys, according to the auction house.

          Jeweler creates real treasure hunt with items from his closed store

          Most newlyweds spend their honeymoon visiting destinations such as Hawaii or the Virgin Islands. Johnny and Amy Perri of Shelby Township, being the more adventurous type and having a jewelry store at their disposal, spent their time getting to know one another while burying treasure around the state. We’re talking diamonds, gold rings, silver coins over a 100 years old and 10 ounce bars of solid silver.

            Metal detector hobbyist helps woman recover heirloom necklace on Logan River Trail

            Elizabeth Flammer thought 2020 was looking up. Her grandmother had recently given her a necklace that had been in the family for decades, and they had just moved across town to a quieter neighborhood.

            Flammer and her daughter decided to take advantage of their proximity to the Logan River Trail for an afternoon bike ride. And then, while adjusting her backpack, her necklace broke and the jeweled pendant was flung away.

              Benton City wineries to celebrate reopening with a ‘treasure hunt’ this weekend – YakTriNews.com

              Kiona Vineyards BENTON CITY, Wash. – Benton City wineries are banding together to offer up some fun for wine lovers this weekend – and it’s social distancing-friendly. Benton County was approved to move into phase 1.5 of reopening last week and to celebrate reopening local wineries will be putting on a treasure hunt for the public. Ten wineries are taking part…

                Announcement of Forrest Fenn’s found treasure doesn’t stop speculation

                Forrest Fenn’s hidden treasure may have been discovered in early June, but that hasn’t stopped fortune hunters from speculating about where it was hidden. When Fenn, a former art dealer from Santa Fe, New Mexico, announced the discovery he did not say who found his cache worth more than $1 million, or where they were from, other than “back East.” Fenn said the discovery was confirmed by a photo the man sent him.

                  The Forrest Fenn treasure: An insane story about a real-life treasure hunt – Film Daily

                  The age of quests & treasure hunts was revived during the last decade with the advent of the Forrest Fenn treasure hunt. The elusive treasure was claimed to be found in June 2020 much to the chagrin of rival hunters and the relief of law officials & national park rangers. Forrest Fenn organized the treasure hunt many  years ago and in 2010 published a twenty-four-line poem that gave cryptic clues to the treasure’s location. Over the ten years it took for the treasure to be discovered, a litany of misfortune has followed the hunt like a curse, including the deaths of five people searching for the spoils.

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